Support Casanova-Warrenton Pony Club
Pony Club Mission:
The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., develops character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.
2024 Fundraiser for Casanova Warrenton Pony Club
Any donation helps Casanova Warrenton Pony Club provide an educational program of horse management and riding to members in our community. Through this programming, our members are granted opportunities to develop leadership skills, character, and confidence, all while working as a team with others and caring for their horses and ponies. Thank you for being part of developing the next generation of equestrians and leaders.
CWPC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization - your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Gifts may also be made in honor of a special person or equine partner, or to commemorate a special event!
Become a Pony Club Member:
Explore some facts about Pony Club and Join us!
Are you at least 18-years old and interested in becoming a sponsor for Casanova-Warrenton Pony Club? Club sponsors assist with CWPC's administration and programming, while providing valuable oversight of the club's budget and calendar of events. Club sponsors also elect the club treasurer and secretary and recommend individuals for appointment as DC or Joint DC by the VRPC Regional Supervisor. Additional information about club sponsors can be found on pages 17-19 of the USPC By-Laws.
CWPC holds an annual Sponsors meeting in October of each year (and usually holds a second one in February). A notice of this meeting and its agenda will be published at least 30 days in advance. All CWPC parents are asked to attend these meetings and discuss the agenda items, but only sponsors can vote. A simple majority of our sponsors must attend the meeting in order to have a quorum so it is important for sponsors to attend and participate in those meetings.
The sponsor term runs from January 1-December 31 but sponsors can apply at any time. In order to participate in a sponsor meeting, a sponsor must apply and pay the $15 sponsor fee and be accepted by the CWPC DC as a sponsor at least 30-days in advance of the sponsor meeting.
Whether you love all of the Club’s activities and want to see them continue or you have suggestions for improvement, being a Club sponsor is your chance to have an official say in the club’s administration and future. If you want to be a sponsor, WE WANT YOU!
Click here to complete the sponsor form for 2024 and to be invoiced the $15 sponsor fee.
Shop Pony Club
Shop Pony Club Gear and Accessories at Shop Pony Club.
Pony Club Core Values:
Horsemanship with respect to healthcare, nutrition, stable management, handling and riding a mount safely, correctly and with confidence.
Organized teamwork including cooperation, communication, responsibility, leadership, mentoring, teaching and fostering a supportive yet competitive environment.
Respect for the horse and self through horsemanship; for land through land conservation; and for others through service and teamwork.
Service by providing an opportunity for members, parents, and others to support the Pony Club program locally, regionally and nationally through volunteerism.
Education at an individual pace to achieve personal goals and expand knowledge through teaching others.